Beviale Moscow 2018

07 февраля 2018
some text

Dear Sirs,

Beviale Moscow 2018 is due to take place from 27 February to 01 March 2018 in Crosus Expo, Moscow, Russia. It is Russia’s first and unique business event for the beverage industry.

We are pleased to inform you that our company SK/Microbrew is among the exhibitors and would like to invite you to visit our stand № D33 in Pavilion 3, Hall 12

We take pleasure in informing you that you will find on display samples of our brewing equipment, which should be of interest to you.

We look forward to meeting you at our stand, and would like to take the opportunity of thanking you for the trust and interest in our products.

Sincerely yours,

SK/Microbrew Inc.
Škrlj d.o.o.
Batuje 90
SI-5262 Črniče
Stand D33

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